
Here's just a small sampling of the historical treasures we've helped preserve over the years.

War Museum Artifacts

Among the donations secured by the Friends of Fort Trumbull for display at the museum are a mid-20th Century Coast Guard uniform and mannequin, a WW I Submarine Chaser model, the first and only known existing component of a WW I U-boat Detection Device and a WW I poster depicting the surrender of a U-boat at Armistice. “While some state funds are provided to upgrade the museum, most of the artifacts acquired came from individual donations including money and volunteer efforts.” said Roy Manstan, author and Friends of Fort Trumbull history advisor.

Revolutionary War Origin

“Dating back to the Revolutionary War, this region has been the backdrop of some of the most significant scenes in American History. Today with the Naval Submarine Base New London, the U S Coast Guard Academy and the new Coast Guard Museum being built in New London, the museum at Fort Trumbull State Park is in a unique place to tell some of that history.” Manstan stated.

American Revolution to World War II to Cold War

Fort Trumbull has a two-century-and-a-half-long legacy of service from the American Revolution to World War II to the Cold War. Along with serving as a federal military facility, the fort played a pivotal role in the country’s coastal defense system and as the original site of the U.S. Coast Guard.